Different Crops

This seems to be quite a transitional time for the crops we’re harvesting.  Spring crops have been gone for a couple weeks now (radishes, spinach), the peas were done last week and summer crops are beginning.  Our market stand is looking very different than it...

Tomatoes almost ready

We’ve been harvesting a few tomatoes from the hoophouse in the last week. Unfortunately not enough yet for the CSA. But the flood should start soon. I expect you’ll see the first tomatoes in the boxes for week 7. A bit later that I wanted, partly due to...


We’ve been growing a lot of lettuce.  One of those crops we are trying to be big into this year for both our CSA and at the markets.  It’s a fast crop and doesn’t stay nice for long so we have to plant it every couple weeks.  Here you see a bed of...

Hot weather crops

We had a few weeks in June with cool nights.  That seemed to keep some of our heat loving crops in check.  But that has past now and we are seeing some really good growth.  Here are a few shots of the 3/4 acre field where most of our hot weather crops were...

Main Tomato Crop

  Last week we finished putting up trellises for the main tomato crop.  That amounts to around 550 plants so about 275 posts were pounded in.  I decided to leave the posts 8′ long to save on cutting them and perhaps get a few more years of use out of them....