Baby Carrot

Baby Carrot

I love carrots.  It always seems to take so long for the first ones outside to be ready.  This year I’m trying a variety that promises to be ready in 48 days.  Well, that’s right about now given when I planted these.  I do need to adjust for cooler weather a bit, but I think the truth of these is that they will be another week until they are big enough to pick.  The 48 day promise is likely for very small carrots.  They do taste sweet already which is different than some carrots that don’t get sweet until they are much larger.  I’m hoping we can get some baby bunches in time for CSA box #4.  If not, then definitely box #5.

Planting Leeks

Planting Leeks

Here’s a view of the first carrot bed.  We have planted 3 beds so far.  The process involves planting then covering in burlap.  3-4 days later I run over the rows with a flame weeder to burn off the tiny weed seedlings (and hopefully not burn the carrots which haven’t sprouted yet).  Then after about a week the carrots emerge.  So far the germination has been good for all 3 plantings.  The flame weeding I think has helped, although there has still been a LOT of hand weeding too.  We will be planting a total of 6-7 plantings.  The next couple plantings will be larger storage carrots and the later July / early August plantings will be very large.  The plan is to have many carrots ready in the fall when the temperatures drop and they are at their prime.

In the picture above I am making holes to plant Leek.  We are doing some late leek plantings which are planned for our fall / winter CSA.  More news on that to come!