broccoli for first share

broccoli for first share

Cucumbers will definitely be in the shares next week. In fact we ate the first one on May 30th which is definitely a record for us having cucumbers ready. Here is a list of things that will be in the shares next Tuesday:

– cucumbers
– broccoli
– spring onions
– radishes
– spinach
– baby kale / spring mix

We’ll probably also throw in a sprig or two of basil and have some extra greens for those who really want more (we have a lot right now!). We’re pretty excited about the first share. We still have a few spots left and would love to get it full by next week. Tell your friends!

In the next few weeks the shares will be adding things like peas, carrots and hopefully by early July some hoophouse tomatoes.  Much more stuff to come!

Cucumbers are ready

Cucumbers are ready

Cucumbers for first Share

Cucumbers for first Share