Despite the cold spring, we are ready to plant a lot of crops.  We’ve been working on preparing beds for the onions and they are ready to transplant.  We’re now waiting for a good day to do it.  Basically we’re waiting for a day that isn’t so crazy windy!

onions ready to transplant

onions ready to transplant

The work on the new, second hoophouse continues.  It seems never ending.  The plastic is on but it still needs the endwalls completed and ventilation and such finished.  Compost has been added though and we are ready to plant broccoli now.  This hoophouse will be about 2/3 tomatoes and 1/3 early broccoli, then  late fall crops.

Hoophouse 2 almost ready

Hoophouse 2 almost ready

Things are finally starting to sprout around the farm.  Super late this year!  The apricots haven’t even blossomed yet.  That’s probably a good sign for actually getting fruit this year as hopefully the blossoms won’t freeze.  Here is some rhubarb peaking through:

Rhubarb coming up

Rhubarb coming up