New Hoophouse with Plastic

New Hoophouse with Plastic

We have a second hoop-house online and ready to go.  This is exciting and a bit ahead of schedule.  The frame was done mostly last week and last Friday we had a really nice day with no wind at all.  We decided to strike while the iron was hot and get the plastic on.  Just as we almost had it all closed in the wind started picking up a bit giving us some exciting times.  It all worked out ok in the end.  The windy days this week have been a bit stressful as we ensure that the house is properly nailed to the ground and won’t blow away.

It will be 3/4 full of tomatoes in a month if all goes according to plan.  Here’s a wider view of the new hoophouse where you can better see it’s size:

wide view of hoophouses

wide view of hoophouses