full sap bucket

full sap bucket

Yesterday and Today were big days for sap runs.  When the weather is warm and sunny after a night of freezing, the trees give a lot of sap.  Lots of work collecting from buckets.  Instead of the usual small buckets hung from the trees, I use larger (20 litre) buckets and set them on the ground.

Collecting Sap

Collecting Sap

It’s a long walk back to the house from where most of our taps are.  I’ve done the walk with 2 full buckets often enough but it’s not easy.  Today I left the buckets out there and will drive the tractor out there tomorrow.  Seems like cheating a bit, but after several 1 km trecks with 40 liters of sap you tend not to care about idealizing sap collection!


Looking back at the House

Looking back at the House