One of our roosters is up for adoption. Not that he’s done anything wrong per se – we just really don’t want him anymore. The chickens this year have been the kids project, actually. They bought the chicks and all the consumables required to keep them going (organic feed mainly). They also feed and collect eggs every day. As of July they hens started laying and they officially started making money for the kids late October. We pay them $5 a dozen for what we use as a family and sell all the extra.  It’s been quite an experience in ownership and planning for them.

But back to the rooster: the kids really lucked out and only got 2 roosters. One of the roosters is being a bit more aggressive in his winter home and collecting the eggs has become less fun I’m told. So he is up for adoption. Very nice looking bird though! He’s an Americauna which is the breed that lays blue-green eggs.

Americauna Rooster for Adoption

Americauna Rooster for Adoption

Next spring we will be expanding the flock quite a bit (aiming for 50 laying hens) with the goal to supply CSA members who also want free range eggs. I should say that I think the way we do free range is quite different than what commercially in the grocery store is considered “free range”. Our chickens have a mobile coop that we move each week or so. The coop is surrounded by portable electric fence to keep out all those things that want to eat chicken (mainly the family dog) and to keep the chickens from ruining the garden. We find the fresh pasture for the chickens makes a big difference in the egg quality.

Chickens in Pasture

Chickens in Pasture